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Using your User Fields to Sort Products in Product Display Page

There are 2 ways to allow you to SORT or ORDER your products for display to your customers - manual or search-based.

Manual Categorizing
For instructions on Manual Categorizing, call us at 530-297-7845

Search-Based Categorizing
90% of our customers are set up with search-based ordering, so these rules apply to you:

If needed, we can set up your site to allow you to ORDER the products on your Listing page. For instance, customer clicks a Category like "Sweaters" and the page that comes up shows a listing of your sweaters. You want to show your most popular sweater first, and the next most popular sweater second, and so on. No problem.

The RULE here is: start numbering with "100" and work up to "999"

Do not start with "1" or "10" etc.. you must start with 100.

999 is the highest you can go.

We will set up a User Field in your Inventory area, such as User20 for instance, and you simply enter a number there then Save your change. The ordering will appear in your product listing page.

Ordering is a ON or OFF feature, so you have to enter ordering numbers for all your products because a BLANK field is interpreted as a "0" as far as ordering goes... so products with BLANK fields will show up first unless you enter a number between 100 and 999 in that chosen user field.

Contact us here with any questions.