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Opening a Page for Editing

There are TWO main types of pages in your site

  • Regular HTML pages (these are free-form pages that you can edit like in a word processor, basically)
  • Shopping Cart pages (these are database-driven, and they use 'Product Templates' to determine their layout. Shopping cart pages display items in your Catalog database, stacked, one on top of the other down the page, like a cookie cutter.)

You can open either type of page fopr editing, but most lf the time it will be a regular HTML page that you will want to edit.

Here's how to open a regular (non-shopping cart driven) HTML page for editing:

1. Open the Site Map area of your site after logging in.

2. Click the little "Pencil" icon to the left of the page you want to edit:

3. A box pops up - click the "Edit Page Contents" button near bottom left.

4. Wait a few seconds for the editor to load then you can edit almost just like a word processor. remember to SAVE your work by clicking the little 'Floppy Disk' icon near very top of page.

Another tip: SINGLE LINE BREAK is "Shift + Enter"
  DOUBLE LINE BREAK is just "Enter"