FREEZE or Crash While Editing If you find that a page consistently freezes or crashes while you are editing or trying to save, there's an easy fix. The cause is that somehow a large number of carrriage returns has gotten into your page and you need to remove them - this solves the problem.
Here's how to fix it: 1. In your Site Map area (after you are logged in to your backend), open a page OTHER THAN THE ONE YOU'RE HAVING TROUBLE WITH. 2. Click the "HTML" button in uppoer right corner of editor. The page turns to yellow. 3. Click the 'open file' button up near top of editor (it's next to the Save File floppy disk icon, and it looks like a yellow folder opening) and now, open the page that IS CAUSING YOU THE TROUBLE. 4. Scroll to the VERY VERY bottom of the page. You'll find two tags: </BODY></HTML> 5. Delete all the invisible lines breaks from just ABOVE those tags (we want to preserve them) to just BELOW all the other HTML you'll see eventually above the empty space. 6. Save your changes. You're set!
See this example: |