Global Page Parts
Why You Should Use Global Page Parts: By using the global page parts for your site you will more easily control the way your pages are viewed by the user. Your site will have a more consistent look and edits to your site wil be made much easier. What Parts Are Included? The differentparts of your web site page are the header template, left navigation area, body area and the footer template. The <HTML> code and many other features can be edited in these areas to make changes to your site. Once you have made changes to an area, go to the front end of your site and click the refresh button in your browser to view your changes. Header Template: The Header template displays code above (at the start of) a site's content, similar to the function of letterhead stationary. By utilizing the header, you maintain a constant "look and feel" for all pages within your website. . Left Navigation Area (Site Tree List): The Site Tree displays your Categories (or separate web pages). You can easily view, rename, add, or delete the Categories (web pages) within your site from one easy-to-follow screen. . Body Area : The manage button allows you to add new pages, move pages and make changes to your navigation preview. Footer Template: The Footer displays at the end of a web page, providing an excellent opportunity to list contact information, popular links, or legal information. Global Page Header Code:The Global Header Code allows you to modify code displayed within all <HEAD> tags of your website. Common uses include posting Meta Tags, styles, or scripting code. To edit the Global Header Code, click its editing icon within the Site Map. When your changes have been completed, click the Save Changes button. Changes are applied in real time. Want to learn more about other features in your site map, see our Site Map help area. |