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help changingimages

Changing or Adding Images

Upload the graphics to your site:

  1. In your Site Control Panel, click the small "FTP" button in upper right of your control Panel. A window will open in a few seconds. This is your FTP bin, you can think of it as your image bin on your site. All your images are stored here, and once you place them in your bin here, you can access them from within your Page Editor.
  2. Drag any images (.GIF or .JPG are the two kinds you can use on the web) you want to use from your desktop into the window that popped up.
  3. The images will take a few seconds to copy over to the FTP (Image Bin) window

Add an Image to a Page:

  1. In your Site Control Panel, click on the page you want to edit.
  2. Click the "Edit Page Contents" button in th epop-up window that appears.
  3. Click the "Image icon" (which looks like a little picture frame) from the gray menu bar area near top of page, and select the image you want from the Image Properties box (below) - it's that simple!


Click the little floppy disk icon near top of menu to SAVE your changes - they are live on your site immediately!