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help optionmenus

Note : This is an advanced feature. You may need assistance from ClientReady.

Sometimes you need the user to choose something like a color or size with a pull down menu, as shown below:

Crew Neck Sweater
This is a beautiful sweater, made from 100% cotton, comes in many sizes and colors

Please choose your size:

Please choose a color:

There are a few steps toward adding menus like this:

1. Place this code into your Product Template:

<!-- BEGIN: main -->
<!-- BEGIN: product -->

<!-- BEGIN: DropSelectUser1 -->
<select name="select" style="font-size: 10px">
<!-- BEGIN: dropdownUser1 -->
<option >{user1Value}</option>
<!-- END: dropdownUser1 -->
<!-- END: DropSelectUser1 -->

<!-- END: product -->
<!-- END: main -->

2. In your "Inventory" area, you must add entries for the options in one of the user fields for that item:

3. You must use a DELIMITER (a character that separates your option values, such as a "," comma). This is how the system knows where to seperate different options in the menu.

5. Click the "Update" button for that product.

6. You'll want to add the Options to your Basket Page, so they show up alongside the name of the item such as:

Items in Your Basket:

Crew Neck Sweater
size: medium
color: navy blue

...and to your Merchant and Customer Emails as well. Please contact ClientReady for assistance on this - it's not recommended to make these changes on your own.

Contact us at ClientReady